Friday, December 02, 2005

911--Who Done It? - Part IV -- CM/P [Revised]

[A $7 trillion +/yr enterprise can not get along without the thorough cooperation of federal and local governments and police and armies, as well as every aspect of the financial industry: Banking and Insurance, Pensiion and Hedge funds and just plain petit epartne (the little saving and loans).

In 1989, just before April Glassbee encouraged Iraq to invade Kuwait and bring on the full retaliation of US/UK military might--and not just in the ME but in Central Africa,too--there was going down in the Us a one trillion $ Savings and Loan debacle--what was called a credit daisy chaing. This high grade swindle liquidated the saving of millions of small people on ifxed incomes--and took, who knows, how many of their lives. Itraq 91 effectively trrough popular attention away from this primarily Bush family boondoggle.. In 2000, besides the embarrassments of shabbily rigged elections, there was also the lancing of the supruating Hi-Tech blizter and another accounting fiasco that hae become radically implicated in the dismemeberment of Yugoslavia--Enron was the chief contributor to the presidential campaign of the Fascist Franjo Tudjman. And finally there was pretty peppy resistence to 'Globalization' in the streets of cities of the world's cities--and an effective quelling of this anti-Globalization movement was the destruction of the WTC in favor of the \wTO.. --Buty, hey, we're getting ahead of ourselves: the usual suspects are just getting ready for the line up--stick around and lend a hand sorting them out.--mc]

Dear Mick, Politkovskaya is on the side of Western imperialists. She and
Kagarlitsky worked together in Novaya gazeta. Please find enclosed a
document that and narconews found too dangerous to publish.
Much more is coming. I know I said this before, but the work is very
complex and in addition we have to do it in both languages. Anything on
Butkevichius and Kabila? Vadim

Mr Stolz, Got this article from the requin. Is it the sort of thing
you want put out there? Whose side is Politpovskaya on? Mick

Court Finds Novaya Gazeta Guilty of Printing False
Information Moscow Kommersant in Russian 08 Feb 05

[Article by Oleg Kashin under "The Society, the Army, and the Media" rubric:
Basman Court Knows Regiment Indeed. Novaya Gazeta convicted of undermining
paratroopers' business reputation]

The Novaya Gazeta editorial board yesterday announced its intention to
appeal a 4 February decision of Moscow's Basman Court in which a series of
articles by the journalist Anna Politkovskaya about the situation in the
separate 45th Airborne Regiment for reconnaissance were deemed to be false.
In a suit filed by the regimental command the author of the article was
fined R15,000 and the Novaya Gazeta editorial board -- R25,000.

Anna Politkovskaya wrote the articles for Novaya Gazeta about the
problems of the 45th Airborne Regiment over a period of several years, but
what caused the regimental command to sue was Ms. Politkovskaya's article
titled "Battalion commander-dad and thug-commanders" [Batyanya-kombat i
pakhany-komandiry] published on 1 September 2003. In it, referring to the
dismissal of Major Renat Shafikov from the unit, Ms. Politkovskaya asserted
that the regimental firing range was being used to train members of the
Podolsk organized crime group. The regimental command considered these
assertions to be slanderous of the "regiment's business reputation." The
hearing of the case in the Basman Court lasted for 10 months, after which
the judge handed down a guilty verdict, fining the journalist R15,000 and
the Novaya Gazeta editorial board -- R25,000.

Yesterday the Novaya Gazeta editorial board announced its intention to
appeal the decision of the Basman Court to a higher court. As Sergey
Sokolov, Novaya Gazeta's editor in chief told Kommersant, the editorial
board was not certain about the objectivity of the Basman Court in dealing
with the newspaper. "A reserve officer of the 45th Regiment, Shafikov,
attended the last session," said Mr. Sokolov. "He confirmed all the facts
given in Politkovskaya's article, but for some reason the judge paid no
attention to his testimony." Moreover, in Mr. Sokolov's words, "the
plaintiff could not explain why the newspaper articles caused harm to the
regiment's business reputation." "If the regiment has a business reputation
it means the regiment is engaging in commercial activity, which is written
about in the articles," Mr. Sokolov drew his conclusion.

The 45th Regiment itself was satisfied with the court's ruling. "We
speak about a business reputation because there is no other kind of
reputation in the Civil Code," Regimental Commander Colonel Anatoliy
Kontsevoy explained. Now, in Mr. Kontsevoy's opinion, "Justice has
prevailed and the regiment will return to its peaceful life." "The court
looked carefully into all the arguments of the parties," thinks the airborne
commander. "The officer whose testimony they referred to, Major Shafikov,
has been discharged from the armed forces three times for immoral acts
and three times he has wormed his way back into the command's
confidence and been reinstated in the service. Last year he was discharged
from the 45th Regiment and he was trying to slander his comrades out
of revenge."

In Mr. Kontsevoy's words, each of Anna Politkovskaya's published articles
concerning the situation in the regiment served as an occasion for an internal
investigation: "Because of the Judge Advocate's inspection provoked by her
first article (about purges among the peaceful population of Chechnya; during
the Judge Advocate's inspection the regiment was barred from performing
combat missions -- Kommersant) our regiment was kept out of the fighting in
Chechnya for three months during the most difficult time."

In February 2001 Ms. Politkovskaya was arrested by the military in the
Chechen village of Khatuni. Soon she was deported from the republic for
violation of accreditation rules. The journalist said she had discovered
filtration camps for noncombatant Chechens in the 45th Regiment.
In March 2001 Chechnya's prosecutor's office published the results of the
latest inspection -- the pits were deemed to be fortification structures and

After the article about the training of Podolsk gang members on the
regimental firing range, the commander "was forced to request permission
from the Airborne Command to file suit in court." "I have never once seen
any Podolsk types and I do not know who they are, but we do not even have
our own firing range; we rent one from our neighbors," he stated.

In a telephone conversation with a Kommersant correspondent Anna
Politkovskaya herself stated that she was "shocked by the court's decision."
"When I came out of the courtroom after testifying," the journalist said, "I
was quite certain that even the judge no longer had any doubt that we were
right, or at least he did not ask me any questions." Ms. Politkovskaya stated
that "together with the editorial staff I am prepared to defend the authenticity
of all the facts given in the articles."

Now within three days after they receive the court decision in writing
the editorial board's lawyers intend to file an appeal with the Moscow City

Kommersant will follow the development of the events.

The brightest episode of the business reputation of the 45th Regiment.

On 17 October 1994 the journalist Dmitriy Kholodov was killed when a
bomb exploded in the building where the Moskovskiy Komsomolets editorial
offices are located. On 4 February 1998 the former chief of intelligence
of the Airborne Troops, Reserve Colonel Pavel Popovskikh, was arrested on
suspicion of complicity in a murder. Later a number of military servicemen
from the 45th Airborne Regiment were arrested: the commander of a special
detachment of spetsnaz Major Vladimir Morozov; his deputies, Major Aleksandr
Soroka and Konstantin Mirzoyants; and a former paratrooper Konstantin
Barkovskiy, who had previously served in this regiment. On 26 June 2002
the Moscow District Military Court first acquitted all the defendants
because of a lack of evidence. After a protest from the General Prosecutor's
Office the case was forwarded for reconsideration. On 10 June 2003 the
Moscow District Military Court again handed down an acquittal. On 6 December
2004 the case was appealed to the military collegium of the Supreme Court.


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